Thursday, October 13, 2011

Crazy businesses

I'm a little confused by business like Avon, Scentsy, Partylite and Dove chocolate.

They tell you it's great for making money. They tell you you can turn it into a business (even though it already is one). The only catch is you have to buy this outrageously priced "kit" or make a minimum number of sales per "campaign". You are doing this because you are broke or because you can't work a "normal" job and yet they are asking you to pay for this stuff that you may not be able to move and giving you a timeline to do it in with a minimum price that you have to reach... now that sounds like a normal job to me. I really want to do something like this but I want to do it online and I don't want to pay for a "kit" and I don't want to have a deadline or a minimum sales amount.... grrr... If I wanted and could handle that crap I'd go back to telemarketing.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Bus stop chaos...

Random question...

Let's start with a back-story.
 Well, I have a neighbor that is one of those all knowing moms. She has pissed me off more than once. My son just started preschool in September and has missed a lot due to being sick. Because of that she asked me "what's wrong with him?" I informed her that he hasn't been in day care or school before. "Oh, well he will be sick more but he will build up his immune system soon." Ya think?!
She also seen me holding onto him while he was on the sidewalk waiting for the bus. We live on a main street in town so it's pretty busy early in the morning. All of the other children are running around and almost tripping into the street. She looks at me and asks "will he go into the road?" Seriously?! I replied with, "I don't know but there is only one way to find out and I'm not the kind of mom that is willing to take that chance." _insert rude glare here_

My point that I seem to have lost (excuse me) is that every time we go down to the bus stop its total chaos. Her son whines, runs  and instigates the other children to join in. They all try to run into the road or parking lot of the apartment buildings nearby. My son tries to do the same but I refuse to let him which causes me to come off as a rude person and fight with my son. No one seems to want to stand up to her.

My son and I went to the bus stop today and her son happened to not be there and guess what.. it was calm and the children sat quietly and waited for the bus. SHOCK AMAZE!

So, do I tell her to calm her kid down and look like the uncaring horrible person or just suck it up? It's tough because I don't care what she thinks of me but I don't want to cause drama in my apartment community (she has lived her a lot longer than I have) and I don't want to cause my son issues in school by becoming known as the kid with rude mom. Seems like that is just asking for trouble.

Ahh the joys of parenting.



I'm not sure what I'm doing. This just seemed like something new I could try.

I'm 27. Will be 28 later this month. I have 2 toddlers, 3 year old boy (Khai), and a 2 year old girl (Violett). I've been married for a little over 4 years.
I'm sarcastic, outspoken, independent and yet at the same time I hate to upset people or say no... I'm a contradiction of myself. I have some weird random thoughts that I don't share because I don't want to piss people off. But, I may share those random thoughts here... :O

I would like to write a book about my life so I don't want to share too many previous life stories on here... Don't want anyone stealing my life story... though that would make sense.

I guess really this is just going to be where I post random daily stuff as well as some poems, questions or whatever else I feel like babbling about. :)

I can also give advice on just about any topic you can think of. I've dealt with many MANY different scenarios (pleasant, naughty, terrifying, rip your face off angry and so many more) and I'm still living. I think that qualifies me to give out advice. If you want some send me a question ;)

I want people to help me build a blog that they want to read about. So, tell me what you want to see.